It was a day in the history of India when the country got freedom on August 15, 1947. It took hundreds of years for us to break the shackles. People of the country celebrate this national festival every year with great pomp and show. On this day we pay tribute and express gratitude towards all the freedom fighters. Our little leaders of Aham Aathma Vidyalaya, paid their homage to our freedom fighters by participating in Fancy Dress Competition. The motive of the activity was to connect children to our history and be respectful towards our Nation.

What an incredible day of celebrating Independence and culture! Our school’s Independence Day celebration followed by the mesmerizing cultural program was a true testament to the rich heritage and unity that binds us together. A big shoutout to all the talented performers and enthusiastic participants who made this day unforgettable. Let the spirit of freedom and diversity continue to shine bright! 🎉🎭